​Family Life and Youth
The Family is the domestic church. Without the renewal of family life, there will be no renewal in the church and society. Hence, family is one of the core priorities of our church.
Lord, we give you thanks for the many and varied ways you called your people to serve and build up your church. We thank you for Alex and the core team members of the Family Life Ministry. Look with special love upon them. Strengthen them by your grace to do your will. Grant them patience and perseverance. Help them to remain close to you, especially through living the 8 Habits. Pour afresh the Holy Spirit upon them!
May our Silver Liners Ministry help SFA parishioners age gracefully with a sense of well-being and joy! We pray that God will bless all who are called to serve in this ministry, strengthen them to do His will, and help them to grow in His spirit of holiness, communion and mission.
Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. We are an embodied spirit. The life of the body can only be lived and experienced through the body. For holistic health, it is vital to recover the body dimension and the practice of a healthy lifestyle.
SFA Health & Wellness Ministry is a response to lead the way in fulfilling SFA’s commitment to fostering a community that is holistically healthy in body, mind and spirit. May the Lord bless all those who are called to serve in this ministry and strengthen them with His grace.
In the eyes of God, everyone is equal. The Church needs the participation of everyone, and the differently-abled must not be excluded, especially from the sacraments. They also need to be given the opportunity to participate and be accepted by the community. They can contribute their unique gifts and talents to our community. The ABC Ministry was created as our parish’s response to this need.
May the Lord look with special love upon all who are called to serve in this ministry. Console and strengthen them when they experience failures and discouragement. Give them patience and perseverance. Through the loving service, may they bring honour and glory to His name.