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News & Articles
Mar 3, 2023
Hari 9 - Mengamalkan Berpantang Pada Musim Prapaska. Sr Sylvia. Cahaya Kehidupan : Renungan 40 Hari
Berpantang adalah salah satu asas utama musim Prapaska. Walaupun begitu, tahukah anda terdapat lebih banyak cara untuk berpantang...
Mar 2, 2023
Day 8 - Why Are My Prayers Not Answered? Fr Clement Lim. Light of life : 40 Days of Reflection
Spending time with God is a necessary good for our souls. On Day 8 of our 40 Day Reflection, we are reminded to spend more time listening...
Mar 1, 2023
Hari 7 - Faedah Upacara Bertaubatan. Fr Bonaventure. Cahaya Kehidupan : Renungan 40 Hari
Upacara bertaubatan secara umum adalah istilah musim Prapaska yang penting, dimanakan dosa kita dikorban di depan paderi. Fr. Bonaventure...
Feb 28, 2023
Day 6 - Serving The Less Fortunate Teo Kar Im Light of Life : 40 Days Reflection
The definition of 'poor' has changed due to the rising costs of living. Therefore, how do we help those less fortunate around us? Teo Kar...
Feb 27, 2023
Day 5 - Enriching Our Lenten Experience with Kevin and Mag. Light of Life : 40 Days Reflection
Throughout the duration of this Lenten season, there are plenty of activities that can be done to enrich our understanding and experience...
Feb 25, 2023
Day 4 - Budi Memberi - Sarveswaran Subramaniam. Cahaya Kehidupan : Renungan 40 Hari
Untuk hari ke-4 Renungan Prapaska, kami menjemputkan Sarveswaran a/l Subramaniam untuk memberi penjelasan kepada kita tentang Organisasi...
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