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Exploring Opportunities: SFA Mandarin Apostolate organised the parish's first ever Ministry Fair!

The SFA Mandarin Apostolate organised the parish's first ever Ministry Fair last Sunday (26.5.2024) from 1-3pm. The purpose of the fair was to help Mandarin-speaking parishioners get to know the leaders of the community, understand the role of each ministry in the church, and discover their own calling to serve!

The event was fun and vibrant with booth activities and interactive games! By visiting every ministry booth and participating in the games, parishioners could collect stickers in exchange for a gift in the end!

We hope the parishioners enjoyed themselves and felt a stronger sense of belonging to the community. May the Holy Spirit set their hearts on fire.

SFA 华文促进会于上个主日(2024 年 5 月 26 日)下午 1 点至 3 点举办了本堂有史以来第一个事工展!此活动的目的是帮助华文组教友认识团体领袖,了解教会中每个事工的角色,并发掘自己的服务使命!



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