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News & Articles

Day 34 - Why do we bring palms to church? Fr Terrance Thomas. Light of Life : 40 Days Reflection

Palm Sunday - a day that marks Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, as prophesied in Zechariah 9:9. The waving of palms represents the joyous welcome that the people of Jerusalem gave to Jesus as he rode into the city on a donkey.

So today, let us join in the celebration of Palm Sunday. Look for palms for each member of the family to bring to Mass, and if you have extra, bring them for someone in church. As we celebrate the beginning of Holy Week, let us remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us, and let us rejoice in the hope and promise of eternal life that he offers us. Join us in this beautiful celebration, and experience the joy and peace that come from being part of a loving and faithful community.

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