Creation Justice Ministry cordially invite you to join us in praying Station of the Cross for the Care of Creation on 30th Sept to end the celebration of Season of Creation 2023 (Actual ending date is 4/10/23). We will gather at 1st Station at 8.30am. Light refreshments will be served after the prayer service. We encourage you to bring your own reusable food container.
Our Station of the Cross is done in Laudato Si way to invoke the spirituality for the Care of Creation.
As we walk mindfully and meditatively moving from station to station. Let the trees, the plants, the rocks, the soil, and the wind deepen our awareness of the broken relationships with God for the environmental damage done to our Mother Earth.
(Please take note we are not distributing any printed prayer guide, please use the attached e-prayer guide and hymns on 30/9/23.)